2012 has arrived and a new sketchbook has begun. For the last 20 years or more I have kept a sketch journal with meticulous attention to dating every page. The only gap is the sketch book that was stolen from my truck in Houston TX in 2001 after an opening reception at Diverseworks (along with all my tools, my partner's cameras, and even the candy in the coin holder under the dash) Above is an image of a shelf in my "storage studio" showing many of these books. I thought to start out the new year with a few pages from the last sketch book.

Many of the pages are dedicated to experimenting with color overlays for paintings I am currently working on- like the page above.

The book is also filled with poetic imagery like the page above. During my commutes to Orlando this year I decided to keep myself awake while driving by doing blind drawings of faces, buildings and dreams. Below are two examples of such drawings. I really like them in that they have no control- they are sort of like acid drawings.

The last sketch book was a normal lined composition book just like the two sketch books before it ( most of the books are in blank "art" sketchbooks but lately I have been less precious about them) This sketch book also has a few contributions from artist Spanky Hudas done in an Orlando bar while we visited.